Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Maniacal cackle

For anyone that's heard it, my laughter sounds like a maniacal cackle and those unnerved enough at having experienced it got to be a little unnerved this week.

So ever since March when I got a speeding ticket for hotdogging it through Osage Beach I've been indebted to the state for traffic fees. That situation wasn't much helped a month later when I got a second ticket for going 11 mph over the speed limit. The first ticket cost me about $280 but it was the second ticket I was really worried about after paying $110 for a lawyer to take care of it for me.

Having spent that much to try to avoid getting points taken off my license I figured trying to get the points taken off of two tickets might easily cost me up to $300 -- having never before tried to shake my license free of points.

It was a relief today to get a call from the lawyer's office and hear my court costs and fines -- the sum total of all the costs of this little endeavor after the lawyer's fee -- are only $155. Now, it's not like I can drop $155 anywhere and not miss it, in fact I'm pretty much dead broke every two weeks or so (like right now), but I can't afford $300 at all, so $155 isn't bad.

It was enough to get a laugh.

The time before that wasn't near as universally recognizable, it turns out a newspaper I used to work for in Stockton couldn't edit it's photos because someone was accessing the computer server at another newspaper I worked for in another town about 50 minutes away (they're part of the same company). Specifically, that person was running the one licensed copy of Photoshop for the Stockton newspaper. Stockton just had the application saved on the server, not on any of their computers.

So randomly througout the day Stockton for weeks apparently called the other paper, in Buffalo, and told them to get off the server.

In other news, I get paid Friday (hoorah!). Lets slow down the rapidly increasing debt train!

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