Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hello there

I'm really not sure what else I should say. Quite honestly there hasn't been that dynamic of a change this week. I managed to keep my job another week, which is unfortunately more than I can say for one of my co-workers.

He had been here two months, worked himself extremely hard to pull up his production for number of stories and, admittedly, was a lot more challenging in his conversation with the editors. So after deciding he had not been producing like they were paying him too he was canned Monday morning.

My God, did that ratchet up the pressure. Personally my own production is just as piss poor if worse than his, I'm really just surving from week to week with the number of stories I put out. I need to know my towns better and make better contacts because I feel like my beat is dangerously slipping away from me. What I need is a schedule, I believe, or some confidence to begin with that I really can do the job. Whichever's easier to come by I suppose.

In other news, I'm still broke. It's ridiculous really, for not living any level of lavish lifestyle (I live in a fairly low-rent district, when I eat out it's usually cheap and I don't eat with any particular look toward class or sophistication), but I somehow manage to plow my way through every dime I'm paid and more (overdraft charges) with the bank. All the while I'm still in ridiculous debt to my parents. Yes, I'm definitely sort of gripping to the edge of "functioning human being." While it gets you out in the air the drafts are uncomfortable.

Um, good news, well, the weather's nice. Great exercise, walking, actually get out of the office while it's light out weather. Regardless of how it may completely screw up my long-term deadlines I need to spend more time outside, I've earned plenty of hours by working late Monday and Saturday and it's too nice to muggle on inside.

Sorry there's not more to say, it's been pretty cloudy here.

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