Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fancy that

We're heading into another rough week. After getting my reprimand (always pleasant, so pleasant it makes me want to seek out a rock to hide under for a few weeks) I managed to make another error.

Somewhere yesterday while writing one of three stories I thought twice about something I wrote and made a mental note to change it before filing the story. Those mental notes, while reliable, do not always reappear when you absolutely need them, like before you file a story. A mental note, however helpful, is not helpful at 11:30 p.m. that evening when the story is being sent with the rest of the page to the printer and you're sitting at home sweating it out and hoping your editor thought it was just an extraneous detail.

He didn't. So now there's a fact out there I don't know quite how to fix yet and I'm sweating bullets until I hear otherwise. There's a correction (well, possibly, since i really have no proof right now that what i put into the paper is wrong) out there to be made and so soon after getting my ass grilled we may be looking at another unemployed American. A thought which scares the piss out of me.

Friends, thanks for the contact information, you may soon be hearing from me begging for a job and/or money to keep my butt out of the breadlines.

In the meanwhile I need to get my butt out of those boneheaded mistake business. I know I'm better than this, down, deep somewhere I know that to be true. I just have to prove it to those who don't know me so well.

On the plus side, however, it appears I made a new friend lately. That makes me happy.

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